Computer aided design
At CAD laboratory, students learn the professional 2D and 3D drafting of mechanical engineering drawing using latest version of Autocad and solid works softwares..
Facilities Available

Engineering drawing section
Technical drawing is essential for communicating ideas in industries and engineering. This laboratory provides students to develop manual skill of drafting mechanical engineering drawing.

Dynamics of machinery
The laboratory is well-equipped with the sophisticated equipment for balancing of machine parts statically and dynamically. The objective of this laboratory is to impart practical knowledge to the students on design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine.

The research focus of the laboratory is on the interfacial interactions of materials and energy dissipation of interacting materials. The research activities in tribology are focused on the fundamental origins of friction, materials deformation (contact mechanics), adhesion, wetting behaviors, and wear on complex surfaces ranging from cells to nanocomposites in environments ranging from space to thousands of feet under the water.

Production and metrology
At CAD laboratory, students learn the professional 2D and 3D drafting of mechanical engineering drawing using latest version of Autocad and solid works softwares.

Refrigeration & heat &mass transfer
This laboratory course is primarily designed for the undergraduate students. They understand the basic principle of underlying physics of different modes of heat transfer, viz., conduction, convection, and radiation.

Industrial engineering
The Industrial Engineering laboratory is used by undergraduate and post-graduate students.

Computer aided manufacturing

Strength of materials
Fluid mechanics

Experimental mechanics & materials