Dual Degree (IDD)
Department also offers dual degree i.e., B.Tech. and M.Tech., in Computer Science and Engineering from 2005-06. The students work on a research problem independently leading to M.Tech. Dissertation for a period of one year after completing the four years of B.Tech. programme. They earn their M.Tech. degree along with B.Tech. degree.
The department starts a full-time M.Tech. program in Computer Science and Engineering. The program considers Artificial Intelligent (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) specializations. The program covers core courses, elective courses, and the project. The admission in the program is through GATE.
The department is actively involved in research in many areas of Computer Science. The focus of the PhD program is on research training with a high degree of specialization. The aim of such a training is to make our PhD students very competent in their respective areas, so that they may be able to take up teaching or research-and- development work in future. Ph.D. students are also involved in teaching assistantship. This develops their teaching abilities. A admitted PhD student pursue his research in a specific area of research with a highly trained faculty member who is his/her PhD thesis supervisor. Information related to various specializations available in the Dept. are available in respective section.
- Best Student Paper Award for my research paper with Shashank Kumar Singh titled as “Applying Deep Learning for discovery and analysis of software vulnerabilities: A brief survey” published in International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2019), Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) held at NIT Patna, India in December 2019.
- Best Paper Award for my research paper with Diganta Misra and Anurag Tiwari titled as “Large-Scale Meta-Analysis of Genes Encoding Pattern in Wilson's Disease” published in International Conference on Computer Communication and Computational Sciences (IC4S 2018), Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing held at Bangkok, Thailand in October 2018
- ACM SIGAPP Award 2014
- Best Paper Award for my research paper with Dr. T. V. Prabhakar (Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur) titled as “Ontology – Driven MVC: A Variant of MVC Architectural Style” published in the proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies (ICSENT 2012) held in December 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia
- Selected as the first female student from Asia under EURECA (European Research and Educational Collaboration with Asia) project 2009 to conduct research at Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands for 6 months.
- Qualified GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) 2005.
- Selected in Physics Olympiad conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers, 1999.
- Awarded the first prize in All India Radio (AIR), Lucknow Akashvani Annual Awards Choral Singing Competition in 1993.
1. Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
2. High Performance Computing and Data Engineering
3. Computer Networks
4. Information Extraction / Retrieval and Data Analytics
5. Natural Language Processing
6. Cyber Security, Cryptography, Cyber Physical System, and Game Theory
7. Quantum Computing/ Quantum Information Processing
8. Computer Architecture
9. Theoretical Computer Science
- For further details and application form Click Here
Challenges and opportunities with Edge Computing Vs Cloud Computing by Balaji Krishnan, Extreme Networks, Chennai and an alumunus of 1995 Batch CSE Dept on 02.01.2020.
Discussion on possible academic and research collaborations by Prof. Sandeep Gupta, Director, School of Computing, Arizona State University, USA and an Alumnus of First Batch (1987) of CSE Dept. on 24.12.2019
Bayesian Optimisation and its Applications By Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta, Associate Professor in Artificial Intelligence at Deakin University, Australia on 4.1. 2019.
•Prof. Sandeep Gupta, Director, School of Computing, Arizona State University, USA and an Alumnus of First Batch (1987) of CSE Dept. on 24.12.2019.

The Department of Computer Engineering was established in July 1983. The department offers a 4 year course, B.Tech. in Computer Sc. & Engineering, 5 year Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech. and M.Tech.) in Computer Sc. & Engineering from 2005-2006, and Ph.D. degree in various specializations of Computer Sc. and Engineering. Computer Sc. & Engineering is the most sought- after branch for the JEE (Advanced) selected students that come to the Institute. Our graduates have distinguished themselves in higher studies at the top Universities. They also occupy positions of eminence in the computer industry. Our Alumni remain in constant touch with us and are contributing in the development of the department. Placements for our graduates are the best in the Institute.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
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Digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. It allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal distortion during processing.

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, and, in particular, concerned with programming computers to fruitfully process large natural language corpora.

Network group works in different areas of network viz. Network Security, Social Networks, Peer to Peer networks, Wireless Sensor Networks etc.. One interesting problem on which group worked on is Delay Tolerant Proactive Transmission Protocol in collabration with ISRO, SAC, Ahmedabad. The proposed protocol is variation of TCP protocol for deep space (interplanetary internet).

Machine learning is an area of computer science in which algorithms learn and improve from experience. But systems are not explicitly programmed to do so. It comprises of various sub-fields like supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning. From web search to bioinformatics machine learning has wide applications.

Our research group mostly focuses on the area of dependable and smart software development for various types of end-users. We intend to set up a dependable and smart systems development lab that will provide a facility for learning the concepts by researchers, and the same can be used for conducting purposeful research in the area of software development.Our research group mostly focuses on the area of dependable and smart software development for various types of end-users. We intend to set up a dependable and smart systems development lab that will provide a

HPC Group is providing training, assistance, and support for researchers and students in high performance computing in the institute.