Structural Engineering Laboratory
This Lab helps in training engineers and architects in different areas related to Construction Technology, Construction Management, Functional Design of Buildings and Building Materials. The course is designed such that the students are exposed to the latest and appropriate techniques in these areas.This laboratory is equipped with the following equipment: Universal Testing Machine 100 ton capacity, Universal Testing Machine 200 ton capacity, Non-destructive test hammer, Furnace 1200° C, Concrete core cutter, Pre stressing bed, Load Frame, Data printer (strain measuring system), Ultra sonic tester, Rebar locator, Flexural testing machine, Resistivity meter for measuring the rate of corrosion, Shake Table (Seismic Analysis Table) etc. The Structural Engineering Laboratory has a heavy testing floor and equipped with necessary facilities for testing scaled structural models.
Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering Laboratory
This laboratory is well equipped with table-top hydraulic models, different types of flumes,Turbines, Pumps, Fluorimeter, Hydraulic bench, Electro magneto meter, facility for physical model studies, excellent computational facilities, towing tank, and open air physical models, etc.
Ganga Laboratory
The Department has a laboratory that tackles the problems related to Pollution in river Ganges, Flood Control and various other issues related to river Ganga.
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Excellent laboratory facilities exist for carrying out advanced research in various areas of Geotechnical Engineering. The facilities are used for conducting undergraduate and post-graduate laboratory classes and post-graduate research works. It has facilities such as Mini pressure meter, Large size direct shear machine, Soil Properties Testing Equipments, Creep testing facilities for geosynthetics, etc .
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
The environmental engineering laboratory has almost all state of art equipments such as Spectro photometer, Atomic absorption spectrometer, total carbon analyser, US-VIS spectrophotometer, gas chromatograph, flue gas analyser, stack monitoring kit, phase contrast microscope, flame photometer, laminar hood, COD digestor, overall it is a mobile Lab.
Transportation Engineering Laboratory
This Lab has well-equipped laboratories for pavement materials testing and traffic engineering studies. These labs can also boast of some modern equipment. The latest addition to the Division is the computing facility, which houses some of the very latest equipment.These facilities not only enhance teaching, but are also of much value in the conduct of research and consultancy services.Equipments such as Computer driven testing system, Automatic Pavement Unevenness Integrator, In-situ Pavement Sampling and Testing Equipment, Bitumen Extraction and Processing Equipment, Materials Testing Equipment Traffic Engineering Laboratory, Marshall Stability Test Equipment with Digital Display and Graphic Plotter, etc.

Applied Geology Laboratory
Geoinformatics Laboratory
This laboratory is well equipped with: Remote sensing and Geographical information system software (Erdas Imagine, Arc GIS 10.2, IDRISI Tagia, ArcGIS Engine), AutoCAD Software, DGPS, Handheld GPS Receivers, Total Stations, Theodolites, Auto Levels, Dumpy Levels, Tachoemeter, Plane Tables, EDM, Stereo Scope, Pentium i7 PCs on the windows networking, A0 size Color Plotter, Color printer and scanner, Digital Camera etc.