Key Objectives
- Keeping the alumni updated, through:
- Alumni Newsletters
- Regular information on website
- Social Media posts
- Honoring the alumni, through:
- Distinguished alumnus awards (DAA):
Honoring the alumni through distinguished alumnus awards and facilitating them at various occasions. In 2021-22 09 alumnus were awarded the DAA in different domains like Public life, Research and Innovation, Academics, and Industry.
- Distinguished alumnus awards (DAA):
- Engaging the alumni, through:
- Regular reunions, meetings
- Intellectual talks, seminars, workshops, online classes etc., for overall development of the Institute fraternity
- Interacting with alumni groups for:
- Creation of Scholarships, endowment funds, angel funds etc.
- Creation of Alumni funded Institute Chair Positions in various Depts./Schools/Centers.
- Exploring the possibility for minor/ major donations for infrastructural development, development of centers, schools, facility etc.